Blurr Episode 16
by MrRahmat
assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua...arini bangun dengan penuh semangat..walaupun ari isnin..mmang ari yang paling malas tuk satu dunia..tapi ntah la tak tau kenapa ari ni aku rase semangat..arini tiada ali cafe.just ade air suam je...air suam dan rokok dunhill..kdai yang biasa aku beli tu arini tutup lak..damn..nasib ade dua kedai runcit kat tempat aku..kalo tak..pagi2 ni aku xde rokok...minggu ni nak p tgk wayang..cite takers...macam best je...sape nak ikut tu meh la join..msg je aku k..kalo xnak ikut..jgn msg aku...
Follow Me , Add Me
by MrRahmat
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Blurr Episode 15
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum semua..selamat malam..skang ni tengah online kat depan tv..sambil tengok cite 2012 dekat hbo..ntah la xtau kenapa cite ni rase macam mengarut...tapi bg aku memang cite ni mengarut pun.hahaha...xmasuk akal langsung...ntah la..manusia skang.macam2.arini aku xdapat pegi bundle seperti yang dirancang minggu lepas.member aku xde sen nak pegi..maybe minggu depan baru pegi.ntah la..tadi aku pegi bundle kat taman suntex..adeh..semua baju hukum tembak la nak ade baju yang di idam2 kan...pelik tul la aku skang..skang rase macam dah gian dengan baju bundle plak...terutama sekali jenama Fred Perry..adeh..bila la nak dapat betul2 size aku...bnyk yang size L ke bawah...XL susah nak dapat..kene banyk bersabar la..kene rajin cari..urm..arap2 jumpa la baju yang di idam2 kan...
Blurr Episode 14
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum...selamat petang semua..aku xtau ape nak buat dow..sabtu2 ni aku bosan gila duk umah..nak tido ase malas lak...skang baru kul 2.40...ape nak buat pun aku tak tau...nak men dota..internet slow sangat...aku xtau la kenapa dengan tm..rase sebab semalam ujan + petir..tu yang buat internet slow..hurm...ari macam nak ujan lagi..kat luar dah mendung..aku rase nak tido la kejap lagi.esok nak pergi selayang keramat..usha bundle..round2 satu kl cari bundle..skang ni aku memang dah gila dengan barang2 bundle...ase bertambah semangat nak cari barang2 bundle..walaupun semua barang 2nd hand..tapi nasib baik dapat baju2 yang still lawa dan xde yang koyak2..bundle la baju yang pelik2 ade...baju yang xde jual kat mane2 butik ..kat bundle semua ade..sape ade drmarten low cut...meh habaq kat aku.size 10 ok?aku nak drmarten tu...xkesah pun kaler ape..tapi kalo kaler itam pun cun gak...
Blurr Episode 13
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi..setelah 5 berlalu..akhir nya ari ni dah ari jumaat..kejap je mase berlalu..esok cuti..leh rest kat rumah..seperti biasa..baru je bangun tido..still bingung lagi..hahaha...aku nak edit xperteleven dulu..lepas tu aku nak men dota..fuh...banyak room dota yang xlepas nak masuk.aku xtau la kenapa..garena problem kot...fuck garena...selalu ade masalah.banyak leaver la..tapi kadang2 aku pun leaver gak...hahahah...damn..
Blurr Episode 12
by MrRahmat
Adeh...aku baru je lepas sign up myspace.xsampai lima minit pun..aku dah cancel balik..Baru la aku tau..myspace skang bukan mcm myspace sebelum ni..pening dah kepala aku tgk myspace..damn..i hate myspace...tiada ape yang menarik..lagi memeningkan kepala ade la..cukup la ape yang ade ni pun dah memeningkan kan nak menambah lagi beban..damn..tlg la jgn suggest aku tuk sign up myspace..aku benci gila dengan myspace..
I Wanna - The All American Reject
by MrRahmat
I never thought that I was so blind
I can finally see the truth, it's me for you
Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side
'Cause it's never gonna be the truth too far for you
But can you hear me say? Don't throw me away
And there's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
Take everything that I know you'll break
And I give my life away so far for you
But can you hear me say? Don't throw me away
There's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
Tonight I'm weak, it's just another day without you
I can't sleep, I gave the world away for you to
Hear me say, don't throw me away
There's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
All I wanna do is touch you
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but I all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but I all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
I can finally see the truth, it's me for you
Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side
'Cause it's never gonna be the truth too far for you
But can you hear me say? Don't throw me away
And there's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
Take everything that I know you'll break
And I give my life away so far for you
But can you hear me say? Don't throw me away
There's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
Tonight I'm weak, it's just another day without you
I can't sleep, I gave the world away for you to
Hear me say, don't throw me away
There's no way out, I gotta hold you somehow
All I wanna do is touch you
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but I all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but I all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me
Blurr Episode 11
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi..ntah arini aku rase macam blur sangat...bangun2 je tido..ase macam diri ni kosong sangat..adeh...ntah la weh.asal aku leh macamni..aku xnak dah semua ni..aku nak diri aku..aku nak jadi orang yang leh terima hakikat...ntah la..pening gak kadang2 year..aku dah nak masu 25 tahun.kejap je month aku nak masuk 24...fuh...tahun ni ase kejap sungguh....
Blurr Episode 10
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi..pagi ni aku bangun awal...semalm aku tido nya dapat tido dengan lena..tak de gangguan...pagi2...pekene okok ngan air milo..adeh...dah terbiasa aku macamni.macam dah xleh nak ubah...semalam aku xdapat nak pegi bundle..kene tunggu ahad ni..baru bleh pegi bundle...semalam aku tgk cite trasformers revange the gak..walaupun dah tgk dulu..tapi tgk balik..guna tv lcd..ase macam tgk wayang...nak tunggu transformers 3 lak...dengar cite,cite tu kuar bulan enam tahun depan..lame lagi...xsabar nya aku...
Blurr Episode 9
by MrRahmat
Aku baru je lepas basuh baju yang di beli dekat bundle tadi..esok bole la pakai baju tu..hahaha...esok nak pakai fred perry atau kirin??aku rase nak pakai kirin dulu..lusa baru pakai baju fred perry...lepas ni nak cari lagi bundle yang ade baju fred perry..aku jadi semangat nak kumpul baju fred perry bukan sebab ape..sebab aku dah usha baju fred perry bodoh kat butik pun arge xmampu nak beli..kene la cari bundle..tadi member aku dapat suar sukan fred perry..nanti aku upload pic suar tu..memang terbaik weh...
Blurr Episode 8
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum...selamat petang semua.aku baru je balik dari bundle..arini empat bundle aku pegi...bermula dari bundle dekat bangi..terus pegi ke bundle dekat jalan reko...kedai kaler pink..banyak barang2 perempuan...tapi ade dua baju JFA dekat tu dua helai aku sebat baju.cantik lagi...walaupun bundle..tapi still cantik lagi..lepas tu aku balik..singgah kat bundle sungai sekamat...bajet nak singgah je..sebab kedai akak ni ade kat tempat aku.tapi tadi kedai dia nasib g sungai sekamat..jumpa lak kedai singgah kedai tu..saje je nak tgk2...jap lagi jumpa satu suar sukan fred perry dengan kemeja fred perry...made in england suar suka made in sebat..buat tawar menawar..arge dari rm38 terus dapat item arge dia rm50..tidak sampai situ je..balik je dari tempat aku..singgah bundle kat tempat aku lak...tapi dia barang yg la..kejap lagi nak pegi pasar malam.g tgk bundle pasar mlm lak..mane tau nasib dapat barang2 yang kite minat...skang aku dah gila bundle..hahahaha
Blurr Episode 7
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum....selamat petang..akhir nya aku sampai di batu9..baru je balik dari damansara...fuh...jauh perjalanan..dengan hari ujan..nak drive xnampak jalan...aku dah la rabun.tapi konpiden je bawak kete time ujan lebat2.....nasib ade member kat sebelah..tukang tunjuk arah..kalo x..memang xnampak pape..hahahaha...balik2 tadi..terus singgah jj cheras selatan..beli piza hut..aku dah lame xmakan piza hut..akhir nya arini dpat gak aku makan...fuh..kenyang betul makan piza...
Blurr Episode 6
by MrRahmat
Seperti biasa malam jumaat macamni..aku mandi malam..fuh..sejuk nya..terus segar bdn..ilang rase kepenatan..hahaha..aku nak men dota jap lagi..bosan la asik main sorang2..budak2 aku semua duk main futsal..aku sorang je xde aktiviti kat kg memalam ni..damn..bila la nak rajin bersukan pun aku tak tau..esok nak kene g damansara...kenduri member aku..adeh..rase malas nak pegi pun ade gak..tapi kang xpegi..ape la member cakap..dah la kenal dari sekolah lagi..cuma xselalu lepak je..maklum la.orang duk jauh..tapi kan..dia selalu lepak batu9 ngan aku...laupun tinggal jauh..tapi sanggup datang tak nak..aku kene la pegi sane...leh gak aku jalan2...
Blurr episode 5
by MrRahmat
assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua..ntah la tak tau kenapa arini rase macam xde mood je nak buat ape2..adeh...ase nak sambung tido balik..tapi malas plak..dah minum air nescafe..dah xase ngantok..damn...
minggu ni nak g kenduri member aku kat damansara..arap2 la ade transpot..kalo xde..dalam mimpi je la aku pegi..tapi tak pegi kang..ape lak dia cakap...
minggu ni nak g kenduri member aku kat damansara..arap2 la ade transpot..kalo xde..dalam mimpi je la aku pegi..tapi tak pegi kang..ape lak dia cakap...
Blurr episode 4
by MrRahmat
arini aku letig sangat..rase nak tido awal la arini..weekend ni aku tak tau nak buat ape..arap2 sabtu ni abg aku xguna kete..aku nak pegi kenduri kawin..buat pertama kali nya...member aku yang lahir tahun 1986 akan kawin pada sabtu la pegi..kalo xpegi..ape lak dia kate...arap2 ade la kete..
Blurr episode 3
by MrRahmat
Ahaks..skang ni aku dah mula rase segan nak lalu kat depan umah jiran aku..sejak kejadian petang tadi..aku dah rase serba salah lak..hahaha..tadi aku kuar barang leh lak abg dia kuar..dah duk usha2 aku..adeh...lagi la aku segan...baru je dua ari tinggal kat sebelah umah aku...kang nak tegur kang..kate aku gatal lak...dah la usha dia semacam je...kang biar kan je..rase serba salah lak..tak pe la..biar je la..nanti2 kalo aku xmalu..aku cakap la kat budak perempuan tu..tapi masala nya..dia pun baru je dua ari tinggal kat sebelah umah..baru la tadi aku tgk dia...semlm xjumpa dia...arap2 dia maafkn la aku..sebab tgk dia semacam je...damn...siot je..ase serba salah lak..
Blurr episode 2
by MrRahmat
Alahai...baru la aku perasaan.jiran baru sebelah umah aku ade seorang awek..aku ingatkan adik perempuan aku yang duk bertenggek kat tepi umah..aku tgk la seperti biasa.last2..orang lain..jap lagi aku toleh kebelakang balik..budak perempuan tu dah xde..hahaha...damn la..malu tol aku..nanti dia ingat aku ni nak rogol dia plak.usha lain macam je..dah segan plak aku..ahhh..lantak la..aku bukan nya nak buat pape pun.cuma salah paham.sebab aku ingatkan adik aku.sebab adik perempuan aku selalu duduk tepi rumah..tinggi lebih kurang.selalu pakai baju warna itam time petang2 ni..hahaha...sory wahai jiran sebelah..sebab salah pandang..
Blurr Episode 1
by MrRahmat
assalammualaikum...aku pun xtau la kenapa..asal aku duk jadi macam orang bodoh je..ntah la..susah nak hadapi..pergi la kau sane.aku xnak ko dah..pls..tlg la jgn ganggu aku..aku xnak dah..bia je la weh...tak payah nak jadi macam cilake...ok?
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum....selamat pagi semua..pagi ni cuaca panas sangat...aku baru je sehat dari demam.alhamdullilah...pagi ni air dah nak minum ali cafe..mcm bahaya je..gula bnyk sangat...arini aku bangun tido kul 11 lebih.fuh..lena tol tido..ntah la.hidup ni ase makin hari..makin berubah..dulu aku selalu bangun tido kul 3 or empat ptg..skang..nak bangun kul 12 pun susah...ntah la..xtau kenapa..maybe dah biasa kot.skang paling lambat aku bangun tido pun kul 11..maybe ni la perubahan aku..dulu aku takut nak pegi order dekat mcd..skang aku dah berani..dulu aku takut nak tgk wayang.skang dah berani..dulu aku kuar nak g mane2..naik bas atau tumpang orang..skang aku nak kuar leh drive sendiri..kuar sorang2 pun berani..XD..dulu kalau nak online kene g cc..kalo nak pegi cc.kene jalan kaki.bertapa semangat nya la aku.g cc jalan kaki...skang nak online dah leh duk umah..kalo dari dulu umah aku ade internet..xla aku membazir duit pegi cc..ane x nya..aku penah lepak cc..dari kul 12 tengahari..sampai kul 3 pagi..hahaha..macam xcaya je aku leh lepak cc lame macam tu...damn..skang dah xnak lepak cc.lepak cc pun kalo umah aku internet down..haha...perubahan ketara..maybe ni la yang aku nak..
Fred Perry
by MrRahmat
Akhir nya aku dapat baju Fred perry size aku..tapi senteng skit baju tu.kalo aku pakai..ngam2 je..adeh...kene cari lagi..bersemangat lagi tuk cari baju fred perry..nak beli kat butik kat bundle je la..arap2 lepas ni ade la lagi size aku...
Hari Ahad
by MrRahmat
Selsesai sudah kerja aku ari ni...baru je balik dari kenduri kawan....fuh.dah lame xbasuh pinggan..sakit pinggang duduk di kerusi..seperti biasa jadi penanggah untuk kenduri member aku..time macam ni la nak jumpa member2 aku yang dah lame xjumpa.lepak satu tempat.rase happening sangat...lepas ni arap2.kenduri akan datang.ramai orang dan ramai member2 yang tolong...wat keje jadi semangat gila..ntah la.maybe dah lame xbuat keje tuk jadi penanggah kan..penat berbaloi..kejap lagi nak pegi pasar malam..dalam kul 7 lebih kot...tunggu member aku..
by MrRahmat
Ku ingin terbang melayang
bagai kunang-kunang
bersinar selalu
ku ingin menjadi bintang
dalam kegelapan
menarangi malam
ku raih mahkota raja
ku pakaikan pada
indahnya rambut ku
ku selam di biru laut
ambil mutiara
da lainnya ....
ku ingin rumah yang mewah
yang besarnya bagai
istana sang raja
tak pernah berasa susah
mau apa saja
akan slalu ada
bagaikan saudagar kaya
yang uwangnya sampai
ku ingin semua yang ada
dalam khayalan ku
jadi nyataku
bisa terbang
menjadi bintang
menjadi raja
menjadi kaya
asyiknya berkhayal..
bagai kunang-kunang
bersinar selalu
ku ingin menjadi bintang
dalam kegelapan
menarangi malam
ku raih mahkota raja
ku pakaikan pada
indahnya rambut ku
ku selam di biru laut
ambil mutiara
da lainnya ....
ku ingin rumah yang mewah
yang besarnya bagai
istana sang raja
tak pernah berasa susah
mau apa saja
akan slalu ada
bagaikan saudagar kaya
yang uwangnya sampai
ku ingin semua yang ada
dalam khayalan ku
jadi nyataku
bisa terbang
menjadi bintang
menjadi raja
menjadi kaya
asyiknya berkhayal..
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat Pagi semua..akhir nya siap gak aku edit template tuk blog aku ni..xtau la lawa ke x..korang comment la sendiri k..aku dah pening ni.banyak sangat template.xtau mane satu nak aku guna je la yang ni..arini aku dah belaja satu perkara yang baru tentang blog.sebenar nya semalam dah tau..tapi aku xberapa nak buat la arini.malam ni ade bola..akhir nya penantian yang aku tunggu sudah tiba mase nya.sebab nak try tgk ESPN HD..macm best je...
Hari Jumaat
by MrRahmat
fuh,..dah berapa hari aku xpost comment ni..arini aku xwat semayang jumaat tadi aku pegi tgk wayang..tgk cite the other guys..kul 4.40.tapi kul 2.30 aku dah ade kat ts sorang2..hahaha...fuh..bosan betul nak tunggu 2 jam la mcd.makan spicy mc deluxe blackpaper..sedap gak.lagi sedap spicy dari mc deluxe biasa...arap2..kekal la sampai bila2 spicy mc deluxe blackpaper..oh..berbalik pada cite the other guys tadi.cite dia xla best sangat.cuma jalan cite dia kelakar..aksi xla cite RED..Cite tu best.aku nak tgk cite tu..hahahaha..tadi sebab bosan layan je la cite ape2 je..cite the mummy pun best week bnyk cite la kite ramai2 ke panggung k??
Hari Rabu
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua...semalam aku pening terus tertido sebab edit blog ni..ntah jadi ape ntah blog aku edit tu.damn..skang pun ase macam dah xlawa macam sebelum ni..ntah la.tak tau ape aku buat...macam2 aku delete...tapi akhir aku buat balik benda yang same.cuma template je aku tukar...dah pening sangat.aku click je mane yang aku rase ok..pagi ni tiada ali cafe..sebab aku malas nak masak nescafe tin je.aku ingat nak minum air suam je...tapi tu la..dah terbeli lak..adeh..start esok.aku nak minum air suam je la pagi2..haiz...aku nak pegi tgk wayang la.dah lame xkuar sorang2.hahaha...
Hari Selasa
by MrRahmat
Fuh..letih edit template.tadi aku tertukar..terus xlawa dah.skang ni pun aku rase xlawa.tapi ok la dari tadi.damn....pening kepala dah.ase nak main dota jap..nak tenangkan pikiran..skang dota dah map v6.69..xde ape yang menarik pun.
Hari Selasa
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua.pagi ni tiada ali cafe..arini minum milo dengan okok je.malas nak masak air..ari ni cuaca panas sangat..macam cuaca semalam..maybe dah sampai musim panas kot.ntah la.ase macam malas je arini.maybe sebab baru bangun tido kot..still mamai lagi..minggu ni dapat la tgk bola hd.xsabar rase nye nak tgk bola HD dah tgk dah..ase macm kat wayang je..
Hari Isnin
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..Selamat Pagi semua..Seperti Biasa Macam hari2 yang lain..ali afe + dunhill 20..arini mood xberapa nak semangat..dah dua ari cuti kan.tu yang rase malas je..ntah la kenapa hari isnin memang hari malas sedunia..erm...Pagi2 je dah tgk paper pasal kemalangan ngeri..sedih je tgk..semalam pegi bundle.tak ade baju yang menarik..maybe minggu ni ade barang menarik kot..rase hampa g bundle xbawak ape2 barang...xde rezeki kot.
Hari Ahad Part 1
by MrRahmat
Serius la aku cakap..astro beyond memang terbaik.bole backspace..macam kite skang tgk channel 812 pastu tukar ke 701.then kite tekan back dekat remote.aku terus ke channel 812.bila kite tekan back balik.akan kembali ke nk tekan no2 just nk tukar pade channel lain saje.backspace kat remote untu sekadar set tuk channel yagn ade iklan.then biasa tgk cite kalo xnak tekan no.kite leh tekan backkat remote saja..bole set reminder untuk cerita yang lagi sejam or dua jam yg akan start...bila dah accept reminder..then tgk cite lain.akan tukar auto channel bila sudah sampai waktu cite yang kite nak tgk tu..volume leh tau dah full or x..
Hari Ahad
by MrRahmat
Fuh..Akhir nya sampai jugak astro beyond..4ari dah tunggu..sampai jugak petang ni.kesian tgk cina ni.ari ahad pun keje.pasang astro sorang2 je..tapi ape bole kan..dah name pun keje.tapi respect la cina ni..buat keje sorang2..ari ahad lak tu..ari yang memang malas nak bekeje...lepas ni bole la tgk bola dan movie dengan puas ati..sebab ade astro beyond ngan tv lcd..
Hari Sabtu Part 2
by MrRahmat
Aku baru je balik dari downtown.aritu puasa ke berapa ntah aku pegi sane..barang sampai arini same je..aku pun tak tau la kenapa orang berpusu2 nak pegi sane.naik pelik aku..barang yg di jual xseberapa.tapi orang ramai tak tau ape motif..nak kate tempat happening.urm..lagi best aku lepak tasik permaisuri.lagi best dari downtown.nasib la aku pegi awal.senang dapat parking.seyes aku cakap.lepas ni aku kan jejak downtown lagi.buat letih berjalan je..aku duk umah lagi elok.nak kate awek ramai.baik aku lpk kl je.biar la pusing2 duk dalam kete..dari aku singgah pusing2 kat downtown..tapi satu je yang best..sudah sekian lame aku xmakan nasi lemak ayam maya..rase dah dekat 4 tahun kot.arini baru la dapat merasa makan nasi lemak ayam maya..nanti ade mase.aku nak lepak sane makan lagi.memang berbaloi la..
Hari Sabtu Part 1
by MrRahmat
Fuh~~~Selesai sudah...baru je balik dari taman maluri..beli lcd samsung 40 inci..hahahaha...puas ati weh..macam tgk wayang..sound pun best..lepas ni nak kumpul duit plak..nak beli speaker...lepas nak tunggu astro beyond plak..baru la tgk bola macam dekat stadium..Akhir nya dapat gak merasa beli lcd....kalo x..asik guna tv kecik je..21 inci..rase xpuas tgk tv..
Hari Sabtu
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum...hari ni cuti...rase best sangat duk umah..arap2 arini astro beyond sampai..kalo x..xdapat la nak tgk bola..sebab ari ni ari yang paling dinanti2 kan...seperti biasa..air ali cafe tetap ade kat tepi.aku pun maleh2 lagi ni...sebab baru je bangun tido..adeh..bila la nk kul 1 ni.aku rase aku nak letak pic aku kat blog.pic dah ade kat facebook..lame betul aku xletak pic kat internet..ase janggal lak..
Hari Khamis Part 1
by MrRahmat
selamat tengah pagi semua..arini aku xpost pape pun..haha..sory la..arini xde idea..dan xde pape yang nak di pun saje je nak menaip...ade sesuatu yang baru akan sampai kat umah arini sabtu ni..xsabar nya aku nak tunggu ari sabtu ni...ase nak tunggu sabtu ni macam tunggu lagi sebulan lak.damn...cepat la ari sabtu...
Hari Khamis
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua..seperti biasa ali cafe tetap ade pagi2..semalam aku tido awl..tu yang bangun awl ni..tapi rase macam nak tido balik...skang dapat online kejap je.sebab share laptop dengan abg aku.arini anta cpu g repair kat umah member aku..erm..lame xonline guna pc.rindu plak pc aku..arini aku nak bank in duit..dah lame dah xbank in duit..memang malas betul pagi2 ni.ade kipas kat tepi.rase nak tido lg.xpe la..jap lagi nak men dota..ase mggu ni nak mkn triple cheese burger..jom kita ke mcd...
by MrRahmat
Alex has been ruled out of Brazil's friendly international matches against Iran on Thursday and Ukraine on Monday.
The central defender underwent medical assessment on a thigh muscle injury sustained in the closing moments of Sunday's win over Arsenal, after he had scored Chelsea's second goal.
It is estimated he will be out for three weeks.
Ramires has joined up with the Brazil squad for the two games, the first of which takes place in Abu Dhabi, the second at Derby County's Pride Park.
Hari Rabu
by MrRahmat
Assalammualaikum..selamat pagi semua.seperti biasa ali cafe tetap ade kat tepi aku.arini aku terbangun awal..adeh...ngantuk lagi ni..tapi xleh tido.jiran tetangga membuat bising..damn...xtau ape nak tulis..cuma nak cakap ni je..aku selalu tergelak seorang diri bila aku online poker kat zynga.ramai member aku yang online poker...tapi ade segelintir dak tempat aku xnak tegur aku..bukan kat tempat poker je..malah kat tempat sendiri pun xnak tegur..hahahahaha..bodoh tol la..pemikiran xmatang.mcmni la..sebab chip sanggup buang kawan..aku pun xkesah mane pun la...bukan aku heran sangat pun..ade lagi kawan2 aku yang leh masuk kepala..xkan sebab chip poker buang kawan..ops lupa lak..aku cuma nak bagitau..bila korang chip bnyk..penah x nak bagi aku?wkaakkakaka.jgn kate msg la weh..invite ajak main pun kan nak bagi..jauh sekali...tak pe..aku sabar je..tak semesti nya arini korang bnyk chip..esok korang ade bnyk lagi chip..Siap delete friend fb.hahahahahaha...yg penting aku xbuat dulu..tu je prinsip aku weh...go die mane yang xnak tegur tu..ade aku kesah ke?xmati pun kalo aku xkawan ngan korang..
by MrRahmat
Sunday's game at Stamford Bridge continues to dominate this week's talk and while Didier Drogba was the main topic of conversation at first, columnist Pat Nevin introduces a new name to the discussion...
There was more than a little pressure on Chelsea to beat Arsenal on Sunday. Two defeats in a row in the league would have been jumped on by the rest of the game, they would have suggested that the great start had really only been about the 'easy draw' against the so called lesser teams.
In the end it was a very similar performance to the last time the Gunners visited the Bridge, they might have had more possession, they even created a few chances, but after the first goal was scored Chelsea were very unlikely to be beaten.
Of all the positive performances in the game I think it was the relatively unsung heroes who were the ones who stood out most. Alex of course will get a few headlines and thank goodness that net was in the way of his goal, there was a definite chance that shell of a shot could have taken someone's head off.
Another player who had one of his best games in a Chelsea shirt was Mikel. He will never be as free scoring as Frank Lampard, but that isn't who he should be compared with. I ask myself now, how many goals Makelele scored per season, you get the point.
Mikel broke up a huge amount of Arsenal attacks, his tackling and timing were perfect. Time and again he filled in spaces when defenders were drawn out, which is the most important role in the central defensive position. His ball retention was perfectly good and as such the boss will have been delighted with his contribution.
Carlo might have been even happier with the 83 minutes played by Ramires. It hasn't been an easy start for him as there were many adjustments to be made. He had to get to know his new team mates and learn their strengths and weaknesses, such as they are. There was the settling in period in a new country with a different culture, but most importantly there is also the difficulty of getting used to the English Premier League. Quite clearly that has taken a little while and even at the start of the Arsenal game Ramires lost the ball just too often for comfort, which is not exactly the accepted Chelsea way.
There did however appear to be a turning point and as the game wore on he appeared to grow stronger and increasingly confident. He doesn't have the build of Mikel but his balance and tenacity were easily enough to get him through in that congested midfield area, witness his tackle which led to the first goal.
He also managed to arrive into the box at important moments, there was one occasion when he bust a gut to arrive at the back post and would have had a tap in had Didier Drogba squared it instead of going for glory from an acute angle.
His very last contribution to the game was another heartening moment. It was another lung bursting lightning run, this time through the middle that was only just offside. In fact he wouldn't have been offside had the pass been better timed and by rights he really ought to have been through one on one with the keeper. Up until this performance I wasn't convinced that he really could get to the standard of the others around him in the Chelsea midfield, at least in the domestic game. Now I am convinced that he is eventually going to be at the very least a vitally important and regularly utilised squad player and maybe even a first-choice pick more often than not.
I have to say that I deliberately tried to make last week's quiz just a little bit harder than the week before, but there were still plenty who managed to dig out a correct answer. The question was regarding the name of a current Scottish Premier League player who is related to a former Chelsea striker. I was quite pleased with this one because amazingly there are actually four correct answers. They are:
1. John Sutton of Motherwell, brother of Chris Sutton. (Chelsea 1999-2000, 39 apps)
2. Nigel Hasselbaink of Hamilton, nephew of Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. (2000-04, 177 apps)
3. John Fleck of Rangers, nephew of Robert Fleck. ( Chelsea 1992-95, 48 apps)
4. Tom Hateley of Motherwell, grandson of Tony Hateley. (Chelsea 1966-7, 33 apps)
Any single correct answer got you in the draw and the randomly chosen winner this week is Helen Payne from Bierton. Well done, the prize will be sent out soon. This week to have a chance of winning a season review DVD signed by members of the squad, could you tell me apart from nationality, what doesRamires have in common with the great Pele? Answers as ever to me
by MrRahmat
Ticket sale dates for our Champions League clash with Spartak Moscow have been announced, with seats going on sale tomorrow (Wednesday).
Priced at £11.50 each, tickets will be available to supporters on the Uefa Away Scheme from 7am online tomorrow (Wednesday 6 October) until 5pm on Thursday 7 October.
Season ticket holders then have until noon on Friday 8 October to purchase their seat.
After that, from 1pm on Friday, members will be able to buy a ticket for the game which takes place on Wednesday 19 October.
Chelsea have received an allocation of 3,000 tickets for this game. Also, due to shortness of time, supporters on the Uefa Away Scheme who do not purchase a ticket will not be removed from the scheme.
However, supporters who purchase a ticket but do not collect them will be removed from the scheme.
If you want to receive all ticket news first, direct to your mobile, subscribe to the Chelsea SMS Alerts service.
Hari Selasa Part 1
by MrRahmat
Hari ini hujan turun dengan lebat sekali..fuh.dah lame xmandi ujan..ahahha..sejuk bangat..nak mandi pun ase malas dah ni..hihihi...tapi bagus gak ujan..semalam panas terik...pc tak elok lg..kene la online guna laptop abg aku.kene tunggu ari khamis anta repair.arap2 malm ni xujan..kalo ujan..nampak nya mandi ujan lagi aku..erm...arap2 ade la orang nak borak ngan aku memalam...aku bosan time malam.xkan nak men dota je..adeh..bosan la..ari2 duk main dota....mahu tido xcukup kalo asek main dota je...
Hari Selasa
by MrRahmat
Selamat Pagi semua...seperti biasa ali cafe + rokok dunhill..dunhill 20 = topup rm10 ..damn..mahal dah ok skang..nak benti susah weh..makin hari arge barang makin naik...haiz.kenapa la macamni weh..bila la nak menyenangkan orang...asik2 barang naik je...
by MrRahmat
Didier Drogba was struggling to put his finger on exactly why Arsenal can't stop him scoring following his latest London derby goal and Chelsea's victory yesterday.
Assistant first-team coach Ray Wilkins was quick to point out that last season's Golden Boot winner finds the net against every side, not just the Gunners, but the fact that Drogba contributed six goals to Chelsea's five straight wins over our local rivals makes the question worth asking.
'It is difficult for me to explain,' insisted Drogba. 'I think I might be at the right place at the right time.
'Of course there will be a game when I won't score against Arsenal and I don't mind if I don't score against them and I score other goals against other teams.'
The right place, right time theory doesn't do justice on this occasion to his outstanding, pirouetting finish that put Chelsea ahead in the first-half, and he did acknowledge it was a special goal, comparing it to one he netted against Levski Sofia four years ago from a Frank Lampard cross.
'I scored one like that before in the group stage in the Champions League but this one I think is much better because we went 1-0 up and then we could play a much better game.
'We were not defending well,' he said of the period before the goal.
'We didn't keep the right positions and we didn't do what we were supposed to do before the game.
'The second half was much better and the first goal we scored is what we were trying to do. We stayed in our positions, won the ball and played out wide to Ash.'
John Mikel Obi agreed with Drogba's view that although Arsenal put pressure on in the second half, Chelsea were well-organised in coping with it.
'It was a great game for us and it was a great game for the fans as well,' the Nigerian noted.
'There was a lot of pressure before the game because you know you are up against a good team with Arsenal and there was pressure on us to win being at home.
'We handled the game well. Physically we were stronger and we can keep the ball as well as they do and that makes it difficult for them to play against us.'
Mikel explained he came off before the end due to managing the knee that underwent surgery earlier this year. Meanwhile Drogba's goal celebration involved acknowledging Carlo Ancelotti on the bench.
'Everyone knows what happened to him last week and it was to show our support for him.
'It is good to go that players now go away to their national teams with this gap at the top,' Drogba continued.
'We know that we are top of the league even if we had a difficult game at Man City but now we've won again and it is a good feeling to be four points ahead.'
Hari Isnin Part 2
by MrRahmat
Internet Sudah kembali ok..yes.dah bole main dota memalam buta..Tapi tu la..pc aku problem lak.Hari khamis ni baru member aku nak repair..fuh.lame lagi sial..sehari xonline umpama 10 ari xonline..
Hari Isnin Part 1
by MrRahmat
ahaks...arini cuaca sungguh panas,,,tapi petang mendung lak...macam nk ujan je..huhu..arini xde pape yang menarik nak di kongsi..just nak taip suka2 je...
by MrRahmat
Ray Wilkins was overjoyed with the side's performance after grinding out an excellent 2-0 home win over Arsenal on Sunday.
The assistant was filling in on media duties for manager Carlo Ancelotti, whose father passed away on Wednesday, and he began by saying a few words on behalf of the Italian.
'Carlo has asked me to come in and do the press conference, he's had an extremely difficult week but he would like to thank everybody that has sent their best wishes' Wilkins said, 'especially the League Managers' Association, he got a very nice text as well from Sir Alex Ferguson which he wanted me to say.'
The side could not have produced a better result to raise their coach's spirits, against an impressive Arsenal side who should have gone ahead early on. Eventually a goal in either half, an excellent flick from Didier Drogba and a crashing free-kick from Alex, ensured the Blues took all three points.
'For us to beat them is always a delight, it's not always pleasant to look at but it was effective and I thought the lads were terrific today,' Wilkins summarised.
'Sometimes when you're playing this wonderful game of ours you can't always do what you want to do. You have to fight and scrap and I think we have that quality to do so. When we do get in the final third we certainly have the quality to finish teams off.
'Arsenal are one of the teams that scare me, they can take the ball off us and not give us it back. That worries me but today we showed great determination. We were good today.
'Today you saw not a fantastic performance but a different performance, we really ground out a win. That's what it's about, the three points is what we fight for and we got it.'
The game will best be remembered for the thunderbolt by our Brazilian centre-back which wrapped the game up with five minutes remaining. He left the field shortly afterwards with an injury.
'Alex has got a slight problem in his thigh, I don't know whether it was from that rocket that he hit late in the game or what but he just has a little knick and we hope he'll be okay.
'It's not a fluke, he hits them after training and works hard at them. I thought Didier would take it personally, but what a goal that was.'
Wilkins was also impressed by Drogba's display, though he admitted he had not had a chance to see his goal again.
'That's what he's all about, that's Didier,' he said. 'He scores goals and loves to be in that situation where he can make a difference.
'We saw him chasing back after 85 minutes, then he goes in at centre-half when Alex comes off. That's what football is all about, filling in for your mate and working for your mates. At the moment we have a spirit in this club we're thrilled about.'
It leaves us four points clear going into the two-week international break, and Wilkins believes it was important to beat one of our title rivals.
'They are important. Last year we beat Man U twice, Arsenal twice, Liverpool twice,' he recalled. 'That might not happen this year, so the teams we lost against last year we have to make up the points against them as well, but thankfully we've taken three off Arsenal once again which is a bonus for us and we'll keep cracking on, but they are vitally important.'
Gunners manager Arsene Wenger thought our first goal should not have counted due to a foul by the all-action Ramires, but admitted we had been better in front of goal.
'The teams are very close, we can give Chelsea credit today, they took advantage up front and were much more clinical than us,' he said.
'I feel sorry for my team, for the fact they are not rewarded, but we live in a realistic world and if you don't take your chances you don't win games.
'We dominated in my opinion but we go home with zero points. You could see Chelsea had finished with cramps because they had to run a lot, so I give a lot of credit to my team but you have to be more clinical to win championships. You cannot lose a game like that.'
Match Report
by MrRahmat
The inspirational finishing of Didier Drogba and the power of Alex produced the goals that decided the London derby and made it five straight wins over Arsenal.
They know all about him, they heard all the talk before the game but still they can't stop him. A first-half when both sides found space in the opposition half and saw chances come and go was drawing to an end when Didier Drogba converted an Ashley Cole ball from close range to score his 13th goal in 11 starts against the Gunners.
However if Stamford Bridge was expecting more of the same, even contest between the sides in the second-half it was disappointed as the away side took greater control of the game in a way that will have Arsene Wenger, if true to past form, claiming some sort of moral victory but their Achilles heel was exposed and they couldn't finish the pressure off.
Chelsea missed the chance to extend our lead near the hour-mark when Nicolas Anelka missed the type of chance you would put your house on him scoring but the Blues weren't made to pay, and we also suffered a couple of erroneous offside calls that prevented further goals.

Alex smashed in a free-kick with five minutes left on the clock and then it was the home team's turn to spurn openings. It was a Chelsea-Arsenal game with so much familiar about it, even with new players in both sides.
Carlo Ancelotti kept faith with the 11 that had started the defeat at Man City so Ramires tasted this London derby for the first time. Arsene Wenger made one change from his setback against West Brom the same day, Jack WIlshere returning to midfield with Emmanuel Eboue making way, and in a tactical tweak he pushed Abou Diaby into an attacking midfield role, and not without an impact.

Arsenal soon showed Chelsea would have to work hard for the three points by issuing a vigorous wake-up call after just 28 seconds.
Sagna crossed towards the penalty spot and Chamakh dived in front of Alex to head just wide. It didn't get any more secure for the Blues when the corner that followed flicked off Malouda and was headed over from just two yards out by Koscielny.
Drogba left Sagna on the seat of his shorts in his first physical contest and then fired a second-minute free kick well over.
Chelsea wee testing the new-look Arsenal rearguard with aerial balls. Malouda looped a shot over after their central defence dithered in dealing with a JT punt upfield.
It was true end-to-end stuff in the opening stages with Cech asked to save down low from Arshavin on seven minutes.
Drogba was looking very lively and popping up on the right, he skinned Clichy and belted the ball across to where Malouda lost out to Koscielny.
Then the Ivorian was only a yard or so away from finishing off a scintillating counter attack that was begun by Essien charging away from a foul challenge by Wilshere.
On 18 minutes the Essien-Drogba corner combination could have paid off again when the Ghanaian met the delivery with a thumping header but he diverted it wide.
A run of Chelsea chances came to an end on 27 minutes when Arshavin was afforded space to shoot from wide out on the left and Cech executed one of his saves of the season so far to tip the ball away from the top corner.Then Nasri cut inside Ramires and let fly as Terry slid in, but this time the attempt was off target.
On 34 minutes Essien and Drogba combined in open player, Drogba leaving his marker on the floor as he burst away onto a pass down the right-hand side of the area. The shot was accurate but a good height for Fabianski to save.
The breakthrough came on 39 minutes and goes down as Ramires's finest moment in a Chelsea shirt so far.
He won the ball deep inside the Arsenal half and after receiving it back off Mikel, drove a perfectly weighted ball through the Arsenal defence for Cole to run on to and strike a first-time ball in towards the near post.
There was only one way for Drogba to score and he delivered. Diverting it off his heel, where fortune had favoured Carlos Tevez last week, so it did Chelsea this time as the ball bounced off the inside of the post and in.

Drogba after running away behind the Shed End goal in celebration, pointed to the sky, presumably a sign of sympathy for his manager's bereavement. Ashley Cole in the Shed End/East Stand corner enjoyed the goal too.
Chamakh tried to con the ref into awarding a penalty as he fell over Cech's stationary body early in the second half, and Arsenal caught Chelsea napping and won a corner on the break, one of three in quick succession as they again were sharpest out of the dressing room.
The pressure kept coming as a Diaby shot deflected off Cole and dropped wide of the Chelsea goal.

There then came a tale of two penalty decisions. Koscielny won the benefit of the doubt when he took the ball and Drogba at the same time in the area and then Ramires made a goal-saving challenge on Chamakh and again referee Mike Dean waved play on.
Arsenal were well on top yet ironically this was the spell when Chelsea could have gone a long way to putting the game to bed.
Squillaci dawdled as he ran the ball back towards his own goal, Anelka picked the pocket of his compatriot and went wide of Fabianski in text-book style but then with the goal gaping rolled his shot just wide.
On 69 minutes, Ashley Cole rifled Anelka's pass into the net but the whistle had gone for offside. Replays showed the Chelsea left-back was level with the last Arsenal defender.
On 72 minutes there was a direct swap of Ferreira on for Ivanovic and shortly after Chelsea finally broke the shackles to threaten the Arsenal goal once more.

Mikel it was who brought the ball under control and then the excellent Essien found the run of Anelka. This time his aim was true and although Fabianski could only push the ball back into play, it evaded Drogba's charge into the box.
Referee Dean had allowed the game to ebb and flow by showing restraint with his whistle and let at least two fouls go without a booking that many refs would have punished, but finally brought out the yellow when Ferreira brought down an attacking Rosicky.
Chelsea had a big escape when Rosicky sent over a cross soon after and Chamakh headed wide from six yards before the home team had every right to feel aggrieved over an offside flag whenRamires was played clean through. He had been a yard behind the defensive line.
Arsenal were looking stretched at the back when the Blues could push forward and Kosceinly was booked after he dragged Anelka to the ground 30 yards out.
Alex and Drogba lined up behind it but it always looked likely to be the Brazilian's turn. On Tuesday he hit the post, today he first found the gap left by Malouda pulling out the wall and then the top corner with an absolute screamer.

There were 85 minutes played. That was the game won, and Essien should have made Arsenal suffer further but their keeper saved one-on-one as the Ghanaian tried to chip over him.
The Pole had flapped once in the first half when he somehow pushed a ball from out wide back in front of his goal, but he did well again before the close when saving a powerful Malouda drive.
Stamford Bridge warmed up for one of those 'One Step Beyond' dances that follow our biggest home wins, but if there was anything that could put a slight dampener on the day it was more injuries.
A feature of the first half had been Arsenal players requiring treatment after seemingly routine challenges with some of Chelsea' strong men. But now it was Blues shirts leaving the pitch with neither Mikel nor Alex finishing the game. We were down to 10 men during stoppage time.
At least there is now a two-week international break for recovery, an interval we enter four points clear of the pack.
Chelsea (4-3-3): Cech; Ivanovic (Ferreira 72), Alex, Terry (c), Cole; Essien, Mikel (Sturridge 88),Ramires (Zhirkov 82); Anelka, Drogba, Malouda.
Unused subs Turnbull, Van Aanholt, McEachran, Kakuta.
Scorers Drogba 39, Alex 85.
Booked Ferreira 79.
Unused subs Turnbull, Van Aanholt, McEachran, Kakuta.
Scorers Drogba 39, Alex 85.
Booked Ferreira 79.
Arsenal (4-4-1-1): Fabianski; Sagna, Squillaci (c), Koscielny, Clichy; Wilshere (Emmanuel-Thomas 80), Song, Diaby (Rosicky 69), Arshavin (Vela 87); Nasri; Chamakh.
Unused subs Szczesny, Djourou, Denilson, Eboue.
Booked Koscielny 84.
Unused subs Szczesny, Djourou, Denilson, Eboue.
Booked Koscielny 84.
Referee Mike Dean
Crowd 41,828.
Crowd 41,828.
Shots on Chelsea 6 Arsenal 5
Corners Chelsea 9 Arsenal 10
Fouls Chelsea 7 Arsenal 13
Offsides Chelsea 7 Arsenal 2
Corners Chelsea 9 Arsenal 10
Fouls Chelsea 7 Arsenal 13
Offsides Chelsea 7 Arsenal 2
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